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Hi everybody! We’re super excited to share the release date for Lake Ridden with you! The game will be available on May the 10th, on Steam and GOG! Here’s our brand new gameplay trailer to celebrate!

Lake Ridden has a playtime of roughly 6h – 9h, and it will be sold for 19,99€/19,99$/14,99£. At release, our game will run on PC only, but we’ll do our very best to make sure it also runs on Mac and support controllers as soon as possible after release! If you’re as excited as we are, make sure to tell your friends about Lake Ridden and help us spread the word. Almost 2,5 years ago we quit our jobs at the big companies to form Midnight Hub. Since then we’ve been four developers in a room, working day out and day in to make this puzzle game happen. Huge thanks for all the support you guys and girls have given us so far < 3

If you’re press and looking to cover Lake Ridden, drop us an email to: Keymailer link for streamers >here<.

Sara & Lake Ridden team