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Play Lake Ridden at EGX Rezzed in London!

By Events

What’s up? The holidays are over and the studio is back to work on Lake Ridden! It’s now 2018, which means our game will finally be released this year! Hard to believe, it feels as if we just started work on the game…Time truly flies! Let’s kick this year off with some exciting news; Lake…

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Lake Ridden Story Trailer Live!

By Events, Lake Ridden, News

Our new story trailer is live!  The good folks at IGN were first to post the video yesterday! We really hope you’ll enjoy exploring the story of Lake Ridden when we release the game next year! This is a sneak peek of what’s to come, we’re just super excited to share it with you! Please…

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Dev Blog #19 – Play Lake Ridden At NGC!

By Dev Blog, Events

Hello guys! What’s up? Here at the Midnight Hub we’re hard at work on a brand new part of the Lake Ridden demo that we’ll exhibit at the upcoming Nordic Game Conference! The NGC is a yearly event, one of Europe’s biggest game developer conferences. The best part is that since it’s located in Malmö we…

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