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Dev Blog #1 – Our Build Process

By Dev Blog, Lake Ridden
An in game image taken by Sara this week, still work in process. I'm Johan, the CTO and Creative director of Midnight Hub and Lake Ridden. Today I'm going to talk about a tool I made which makes it easier for the team to quickly access and play the latest version of Lake Ridden. This…
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Our New Game Lake Ridden!

By Lake Ridden, News, Press
Marie, the main character, searching for her vanished sister. It’s time to let you guys in on what we are working on! Lake Ridden is a story driven first-person horror game, set in a twisted Scandinavian forest. It will be released for PC during 2017. To read the press release, click here or scroll down on…
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Pre-Production is DONE!

By Dev Blog, Game Development, Lake Ridden
Quick question: how many post-its does it take to finish up the pre-production for a new indie game? Well, a lot, as it turns out! At the core of all game development projects you can be sure to find a)tons of post-its and b)huge quantities of coffee (or tea). Team Midnight Hub definitely runs on…
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Creating Art For Lake Ridden

By Lake Ridden, News
Right now we're preparing some brand new Lake Ridden material to share with you guys! Our artist Erik is hard at work, creating images that captures the feeling and essence of our first game. Make sure to check back next week, when he (hopefully) got something big to announce : ) Cheers, - Sara
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We’re Looking For a Programming Intern!

By The Crew
Midnight Hub is looking for a programming intern! If art is your cup of tea instead, please click here to read all about the 3D-art internship offered! Are you a junior programmer, studying at a video game school, speaking Swedish, with a strong passion for solving problems and hungry to learn more about how to craft…
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Introducing The Team: Sara!

By The Crew
As we are still in pre-production, we thought we would finish up these introduction posts by talking with Sara who is our producer and the product owner of Lake Ridden. She is also responsible for communication, play testing and everything else not covered by me or Erik. Hi Sara, who are you? - Your worst…
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Introducing The Team: Erik!

By The Crew
This week we've been hard at work setting up the very basics for the game, making sure all technical pipelines and stuff are working in a way that enables us to get up to speed and work more efficiently later on. We are strong believers in optimizing our own everyday tasks so we can concentrate…
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Introducing The Team: Johan!

By The Crew
So, what have we been up to since last week? First of all, huge thanks for the love and support we received upon announcing our new studio! We’re so very happy to have so many people interested and excited about the studio: friends, former colleagues and Internet strangers alike! Thank you <3 After finishing this…
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By News, Press
Today is a very special day for us! We're finally announcing our new indie studio Midnight Hub! We've worked very hard the past months to make this dream a reality. It's kind of scary to take a big leap like this, but also so exciting. We know some of you managed to solve that tricky…
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